Most of the time, if someone called you a prick, that would be a bad thing. In this case, I'm just playing with the word in order to grab your attention. PRIC, in this case, means Prepared Rapid Intervention Crew. And my question is this. Are you?
I'm tired of Rapid Intervention being put on the back-burner. We seem to feel so much better when we say that the RIT has been established (that way, we can check the box on our tactical worksheet); but it's really only a false sense of security. Most people don't have the first clue about what they should be doing as a RIT before or during the deployment. And that's just plain scary.
But by God, we all know how to fill out an ICS 201. Very comforting.
Here's the thing...a Rapid Intervention Team could possibly be the most important assignment you ever have. First, you have to be proactive...if someone hasn't laddered the structure, it is your job to ladder it. If someone hasn't softened the structure, you force entry and make a quick sweep for victims. You should make sure utilities are controlled. You should attempt to determine where crews are operating and how long they've been inside. You should be prepared to go in, locate a downed firefighter, and get them on air.
If you are sitting on your ass or bitching that you don't want to be RIT, I don't want you on my fireground. You can be damn sure that I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't need me...but if you do, I'll be there for you. 'Cuz I'm a PRIC.
All posts and comments are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions/operations of any organization to which I belong.

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