For those of you that know me, you know I LOVE to visit other departments and see how they do things. I especially like to learn from folks that are with traditional departments whose operations are "par-excellance." And of course, I like to average out the East Coast/West Coast thing with the perspective that we in the Midwest can take a little from both to do things right:) Most of you are aware that East Coast Firefighters and West Coast Firefighters like to show their fierce loyalty toward their methods and sometimes trade good-natured barbs about who's way is better. Fact of the matter is, they all have things we can learn, and they have developed their methods from years and years of experience that works well for them. Someday, maybe we'll be the same way in Nebraska. Anyway, here are a couple of links. One is the FDNY Forcible Entry Manual, or the "FE Bible" as some would say. The other is LAFD's Book 29...their Truck Company Operations Manual. Both are awesome resources!!! Enjoy!!!
And, so there isn't any question...I prefer Chicago Style Pizza to the New York or California Styles...LOL!!!
All posts and comments are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions/operations of any organization to which I belong.